Little evidence exists about the incidence of\ndeep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism\n(PE) with the use of external fixators. We investigated this\nin a cohort of 207 consecutive patients undergoing 258\nelective frame applications by case note review. Case notes\nwere obtained for 84 % of the sample population. The type\nof surgery, demographic data, thromboembolic risk factors\nand the incidence of DVT/PE were recorded. One patient\nexperienced DVT (0.39 %) and one a PE (0.39 %). Both\nwere of high risk and had received mechanical and chemical\nthromboprophylaxis during their inpatient stay.\nThese complications were identified at least 3 months postoperatively.\nThese findings help to more accurately counsel\npatients undergoing elective frame surgery on the risks of\nDVT/PE and also contribute to the discussion between\nsurgeons about whether or not extended course chemical\nthromboprophylaxis would be of overall benefit